What incidents should be reported on the SSEC form?

Investigated and founded incidents in the 10 categories listed below that occur on school property or during a school-sponsored function off grounds are reportable in all circumstances, whether the offender is known or unknown, and must be reported on the SSEC form. Please see expanded category definitions on the SSEC webpage.

1. Homicide

2. Sexual Offense

3. Assault

4. Weapons Possession

5. Material Incidents of Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying (DASA)*

    5a. All Excluding Cyberbullying

    5b. Cyberbullying

6. Bomb Threat

7. False Alarm

8. Threat of School Violence (Other than Bomb Threat or False Alarm)

9. Use, Possession or Sale of Drugs

10. Use, Possession or Sale of Alcohol


*Please note that founded DASA incidents that occur off school grounds (including cyberbullying) that impede the educational process of a student victim would also be reportable.

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